By Bill Evans
Yesterday, conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos made national headlines when his lecture at UC Berkley was shut down due to violent riots. Students were pepper sprayed, beaten unconscious and university property destroyed and set ablaze by mobs of violent “anti-facists”. Milo is a controversial writer, blogger and professional provocateur and the technology editor at Brietbart News. He has been making headlines across the country on his “Dangerous Faggott” college tour and turning political incorrectness into a cottage industry. His sold out shows push against the boundaries of free speech and usually trample the gardens of good taste. He’s rude, crude, sassy, and irreverent. But make no mistake, he’s also very smart. Occupying the historical role of the court Jester, Milo minces about as a British fop, rolling his eyes and making lurid gay sex jokes about his interracial sex life to a mostly straight audience, all the while dropping bomb mots of impolite social insurgency and railing against the status quo. He pokes fun at gays, republicans, democrats, black lives matter, Islam, feminists, lesbians, teachers, faculty and the culture of political correctness. The only person he seems to have reverence for is Donald Trump, who he simply refers to as “Daddy”. So everyone hates him, but no one wants to debate him. Everywhere he goes, there are protests and sometimes violent riots. He is called a racist, misogynistic, trans-phobic, and even homophobic. But Milo doesn’t care if you hate him; he just wants you to hear him. But apparently a lot of people don’t want you to hear him. At every campus lecture, protesters outside attempt to shut down his events and try to forcibly keep people from entering the lecture halls. In times past, the role of the court jester was a comedian with a social or political message too hot to communicate directly. The only person that could speak the unspeakable was the silver tongued “fool”. Milo Yiannopoulos plays that fool to the hilt and did so last Friday night to a packed house of 600 fans and foes at the UNM campus ballroom. The audience was made up mostly of Latinos, some who had come from as far away as Houston to hear his speech “America Deserves Borders”. They laughed, gasped, cringed and cheered as protestors railed outside, calling him a racist, while inside he said, “What you think and who you are is more important than your skin color.” He gave ample time for the audience to ask questions and even begged the audience to be tough on him. However, he had little patience for people who tried to shout him down. A few screaming disrupters were severely tongue lashed (as only a British queen can do) and those that continued to misbehave were unceremoniously escorted out by the police, accompanied by much cheering and braying from the audience. Despite the protestors inside and out, New Mexico made a very good showing in terms of its support of free speech. Universities across the country have been tacking on exorbitant security fees on Milo’s student hosts at the last minute, in this case the UNM College Republicans. In an act of solidarity with the first amendment, UNM president Chaouki T. Abdallah decided that the school would bear the burden for the extra security and let the show go on. And what security it was. Albuquerque police, state troopers, military soldiers and even a bomb squad were on hand to ensure that the little British homosexual with a big mouth was able to exercise his right to freedom of speech (a right that he doesn’t have in his own country). Outside, amidst the cries of “fascist”, protestors were attacking school property and being corralled by the copious police forces, while inside Milo was advocating free speech saying, “Part of free speech is the ability to listen.” You can find the UNM lecture on Youtube and decide for yourself if he has anything dangerous to say.
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